Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Post a Comment Here

Respond to these prompts in the comment box.
1. What is your full name?
2. What would you like your classmates and teachers to call you?
3. What sources do you use to get news?
4. What period of history -- or aspect of history (or what country's/region's history) -- are you most interested in? (Or, if you prefer, what aspect of psychology or sociology are you most interested in?)
5. What is your favorite science experiment? (Or, what is your favorite scientific discovery?)
6. What is your favorite mathematical equation, rule, or property?
7. What book would you most like to re-read when you get older?
8. Of the books that you want to read but haven't read yet, which one do you most want to read before you get out of high school?
9. Translate one of your responses into a foreign language you are studying or have studied.


  1. 1. Wesley Shawn Dunn
    2. Wes, unless we’re having an intellectual argument, in which case I’d prefer if you used “Wesley.” Example: “Now Wesley, listen here good chap, that can’t possibly…” In such a situation, you should also be loosely puffing on a pipe and looking at me sideways with one eyebrow raised whenever you’re listening.
    3. BBC, various other internet news sites, facebook and general word of mouth.
    4. In psychology, I’m most interested in how place and specifically, the experiences related to place create or influence people’s psyches. What makes the psychological difference between someone living in, say Gloucester, and someone living in London, for example.
    5. I really like science experiments involving phototropism in plants. In other words, watching plants grow towards light, and playing around with that.
    6. Absolutely none whatsoever.
    7. The Lord of the Rings trilogy. And The Wind in The Willows.
    8. I’d like to read Jack Keroac’s “On the Road,” and delve into a couple John Steinbecks I have sitting around. Also, it would be nice to read all of those books like “Pillars of the Earth” and “Lord of the Flies” that everyone talks about and that I’ve never read.
    9. Me gusta mucho los experimentos de ciencia que examinan como plantas van al sol.

  2. 1. Katherine Frances Geraghty
    2. I answer to many variations of Katherine (or you could just call me that) like Katy, Kat, or Kate. I really don't mind the nicknames that are jokes at my height, but please, for the love of all thats holy, make it original.
    3. Facebook and word of mouth are usually the first ways I get news, then I go back to newspapers or the internet to see what actually happened.
    4. I love learning about any ancient civilizations, Egypt being one of my favorites.
    5. I like experiments that prove things like constants like, for example, the speed of gravity. To prove and learn about how the world works fascinates me.
    6. Any that has something to do with algebra. When it comes to anything else, I'm completely and totally turned off to math.
    7. "Pillars of the Earth" (HA Wes, I beat you to it). It was an amazing book, but I think I may have been a little too young to fully appreciate it.
    8. "The Lost Symbol" or "Pillars of the Earth".
    9. Katerina
    (This was my first answer, but there's really no way to make Frances or Geraghty look even remotely Italian)

  3. 1. My name is Megan Nicole Pereen.
    2. Simply Megan, however I know there is a good chance there will be another Megan so you can either call me Megan-Nicole or by my last name Pereen. Just please don't call me Meg.
    3.I got most of my information from the internet or from other people. I do watch the news every morning before school and read the weekend newspaper.
    4. I love ancient civilizations. Ancient Egypt and Greece are my two favorites. Another interest of mine would be the Medieval times.
    5. I love experiments with chemicals. I love combining things and seeing what the outcome is. You never know what you'll get and that's all part of the fun.
    6. I'm a geometry geek. I love anything with angles and degrees. Side-angle-side and all that fun stuff included. However, every other type of math is pure madness to me.
    7. I would like to read visit the Odyssey and Dante's Inferno. I read them both a few years back and would love to revisit them later.
    8. I would love to read "The complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe" and other poetry books. I love poetry and would like to read as much poetry as I can before I leave the high school.
    9. Amo la poesia e vorrei leggere tanta poesia come posso prima che lascio la high school. (Question 8, Italian)
    Ich Heisse Megan Nicole Pereen. ( Question 1, German.)

  4. 1. Sarah Rose Zuidema
    2. Sarah works, Zuidema works, if you come up with a nickname I'm happy with that as well.
    3. Well, to be honest I don't often watch the news. When I do, it's almost always Fox. My family doesn't get any newspaper so whatever channel I get to first.
    4. I really strongly dislike history. It has always been my least favorite subject in school. In psychology, I have always wondered how people with every obstacle in the world against them, manage to defy the odds. Also, the reasons why people with similar lifestyles may react so differently under like circumstances.
    5. I really enjoy the experiments that involve DNA. There was a lab we did which caused a colony of bacteria to glow with the addition of a gene. Also, the microscopic work with DNA used in forensics (like gel electrophoresis) is extremely interesting and fun to do.
    6. I like the identity properties of multiplication and addition. Both just make any number equal to itself when multiplied by one or added to zero. When math is as complex as it is now, the simplicity makes me smile.
    7. I would like to re-read Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls. I haven't read it since I was really young, I remember loving it, and it's a classic. Also, Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde had a lot of contemplative parts that I didn't fully get to appreciate the first time through, so I'll do that one again too.
    8.I would like to read the Bible cover to cover. I haven't actually accomplished that yet, and I really hope to do it before I go to college.
    9. Sarah trabaja, Zuidema trabaja, si piensas de un apodo, estoy contenta con que también.

  5. I'm going to have to look into this Pillars of the Earth business. I've never heard such an ambitious title and it is inspiring me to write my own sister novel. Maybe something titled "Rotunda of the Heavens" or "Bathhouse of the Netherworld."

    I think it would be worth remembering novels like Dracula and Dorian Gray while reading many of the books in AP -- you'll find similar, deeply ambivalent responses to desire, as well as the urge to objectify and demonize others (who turn out to be a kind of mirroring of one's self).

    And Sarah, if you go for the Bible cover to cover, you'll be forgiven for skipping the "beget" chapters. You'll see when you get there.

  6. Sarah,I tried reading the Bible cover to cover. Got about seven chapters in and could not go on. The beginning is basically just Christ's lineage; so you learn about this father, his son, and then his death. Then that son's son, and his death.
    Good luck, my friend. Good luck.

  7. 1. Maryka Laurie Gillis
    2. Maryka
    3. For local news, the Gloucester Daily Times... for other news, I mostly use NPR.
    4. My favorite areas of history are the European Middle Ages, the Chinese Empires, and all of Southeast Asia's history.
    5. My favorite science experiment is implanting foreign genes into other organisms. (Which is rather ironic, because I'm quite against GMOs.)
    6. Maybe Pythagorean Theorem, because it's simple and easy to remember.
    7. Probably Watership Down
    8. On the Road and the Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
    9. Mi experimento favorito de ciencia es poner los genes extranjeros en otros organismos.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. 1. Lucas Carl Olson
    2. Lucas is fine, but I will also answer to T-Bone.
    3. NPR, and various (reputable) sources on the internet.
    4. Pretty much any history of ancient civilizations I guess. Psychologically, I’ve always been interested in the Nature vs. Nurture argument.
    5. The experiment in AP Bio this year where we genetically altered bacteria.
    6. Ha. Hahaha.
    7. Probably the entire Dark Tower series by Stephen King.
    8. Into the Wild, and many many others.
    9. Ja. Jajaja.

  10. 1. Jason Edward Castellucci
    2. Jason
    3. Gloucester Daily Times
    4. Age of Discovery
    5. Any experiment dealing with physics
    6. N/A
    7. The Bible
    8. The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind
    9. Ogni esperimento che fare con la fisica

  11. 1. Shaelyn Marie Lake
    2. Shae
    3. Usually numerous stations on in the morning before school and Google news.
    4. I'm not a fan of history, although native cultures are quite interesting. In psych, dreams have always interested me with the meanings behind them.
    5. I liked the experiment we did in AP Biology this year when we altered the genes of bacteria to make them glow.
    6. I love Algebra so anything like that.
    7. I really want to reread "One Who Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" by Ken Kesey.
    8. I would like to read Pillars of the Earth.
    9. Me encanta Álgebra para nada por que.

  12. 1. Hannah Sanae Morris
    2. Hannah ( I also answer to Zoe but Hannah is much preferred)
    3. I get my news from various sources: BBC, NPR, Gloucester Times, New York Times, my father, and Mother (for world cycling news)
    4. I am very interested in Ancient World cultures. I prefer sociology and anthropology.
    5. My favorite science experiment would be the one where you color with a black sharpie and then put the paper in water and see a whole bunch of pretty colors.
    6. I am against math studies past geometry. So I have to go with anything times 0 = 0
    7. I when I have children I will read to them, every Harry Potter Book, just like my mother read to Zoe and I.
    8. I would love to read the Picture of Dorian Gray, and The Great Gatsby before leaving the Highschool.
    9. Ich finde Antike Kulturen sehr Interessant. Ich lieber Soziologie und Anthropologie. (number 4 in German)

  13. 1. Zoe Temple Morris
    2. Zoe
    3. All sorts: BCC ABC New York Times
    4. I prefer Mid evil enlightenment period because so much was happening so fast and also because while we might seem really different now we still are driven by the same ideas.
    5. Observing the pet butterflies in kindergarden because I felt like you got to know them.
    6. sechs plus sechs gleich Zwölf sein, weil es eine Menge passiert,
    7. The Great Gatsby and To Kill a Mocking bird because i love them so much now but i think my understanding will change when i'm older.
    8. I would like to read all the major religious texts at some point in my life because they influence so many other stories. I probably won't finish that in high school so i would say Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead.

  14. 1. Andrew Tucker Hugel
    2. Tucker
    3. The news paper, the internet, and the t.v
    4. I am interested in the early Greek and Roman era of history.
    5. My favorite scientific discovery is the Colossal squid.
    6. 2+2=2*2=4
    7. The count of monte cristo.
    8. The mocking jay, the third installment of the hunger game series.
    9. Zwei + zwei= zwei*zwei =Vier

  15. 1. erica lynne morse
    2. erica , unless they are mad then erica lynne , or rica if they are lazy or REEEKKK if they are excited
    3.bbc and channel five with my girl jc monahan
    4. im majoring in child physc so that, and sociology
    5.baking soda + vinegar + water bottle = explosion
    6. ...
    7. hunger games series
    8. there are hundreds
    9. punto punto punto

  16. 1. Olivia Faye Davis

    2. Olivia is fine.

    3. the newspaper, the news, and bbc

    4. The period of history that I am most interested in is the Holocaust. I am also interested in general psychology. I love learning why people do the things they do. I think that's why I'm so interested in the Holocaust because it is just so mind-boggling how one man could create that much suffering.

    5. Honestly, I hate science. I am not interested in science at all.

    6. Nothing, I hate math more than I hate science. Hahaha.

    7. Wither, Crank, Glass, the Perfect Chemistry series, and Just Listen

    8. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, the Lincoln Lawyer, Dante's Inferno, Fallout, and those are just to name a few. There are many more.

    9. Nada, odio las matematicas mas que odio la ciencia. Hahaha.

  17. 1. Eleanor Wright Keller
    2. Some people call me Eleanor, but most make up some other nicknames that change on a daily basis. Eleanor works though.
    3. Gloucester Daily Times/my parents....
    4. I'm one of those 'US History obsessed' people.. know all the dates, people, etc. But in reality, am way more interested in sociology/psychology and really wish I had time for them in my schedule.
    5. I love bio and anything that has to do with it.. as long as I don't have to dissect anything. So I guess experiments aren't really my thing.
    6.QUADRATIC FORMULA! Only because I know the song.
    7. Without a doubt, the entire Harry Potter series.
    8. Bazillions.. but I need to read Water for Elephants asap. Oh and reading all these posts reminds me of Pillars of the Earth, which I also have to get around to sometime soon.
    9. Me encanta biologia. Lo siento que es no mas complicada pero no soy talentosa a Espanol.

  18. 1. Fiona Morgan Prentice
    2. Fiona
    3. Various internet sites
    4. In history, I really like the period of Ancient Egypt.
    5. I really like experiments where the state of something gets changed.
    6. I do not really like any.
    7. The Book Thief
    8. I would really like to read more Shakespeare. I have been in a couple of his plays and I am really starting to like him.
    9. Nella storia, mi piace molto il periodo dell'Antico Egitto.

  19. 1. Clare Murphy Pleuler.

    2. Clare seems reasonable.

    3. I'm addicted to reading internet newspapers. So, I use numerous sources, but mainly The Boston Globe, New York Times, and the good ole' Gloucester Daily Times. And Facebook/word of mouth.

    4. The Renaissance.

    5. Baking soda volcano for sure.

    6. π

    7. Lord of the Flies.

    8. The Great Gatsby.

    9. Cocción volcán soda seguro.

  20. 1. Patrice Christine Kelly
    2. Patrice
    3. Local news, like the daily time, and the morning news on channel 7.
    4. Ancient Greek/Roman, and Midieval History
    5. The discovery of electricity was always quite interesting.
    6. y=mx+b
    7. Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett
    8. Wuthering Heights
    9.Die Entdeckung der Elektrizität ist recht interessant.

  21. 1. Mai Jhiun Okada
    2. Mai is fine but it can get annoying when people use "my" in their sentences, Mai-Mai works just as well, and I haven't really been called Okada, but there's a first for everything.
    3. I may deliver the Gloucester Daily Times, but I usually don't have extras or the time to read it. Any other news that I "read" is from New Article Day for ROTC or hot topic ones that my friends tell me.
    4. I don't particularly care for history, but I have enjoyed Ancient Greek and Medieval.
    5. I hate science, but I did take an interest in how DNA worked. Most of my teachers didn't do experiments, but my favorite lab was making ice cream.
    6. I always did like 1^N=1.
    7. I really like reading graphic novels, but outside of that I may like to read Storm Thief by Chris Wooding.
    8. I basically read anything that comes my way, though I don't think I would attempt the encyclopedia, dictionary, or the Bible.
    9. 舞智恩岡田 (1, translated improper Japanese)
    岡田真愛 (1, proper Japanese, but usually there’s no middle name in Japanese, and my middle name is Korean, and I don't know Korean nor do I think I could recognize the spelling for it... However in Japanese, my middle name is written 智恩.)
    Mai está bien, pero puede ser molesto cuando la gente usa "mi" en sus oraciones, Mai-Mai funciona igual de bien, y realmente no he sido llamado Okada, pero hay una primera vez para todo. (2, Spanish)

  22. 1. Micaela Ann O'Connor
    2. Micaela
    3. The television or cnn.com
    4. I'm rather interested in dream theory
    5. The mixing of water and dry ice to create a dry ice bomb.
    6. 2 + 2 = 4
    7. Catcher in the Rye
    8. Wuthering Hights
    9. Le mélange d'eau et de glace carbonique pour créer des bombes de la glace sèche
